Joe has just come home from work and when he sees that statuesque body he goes into the kitchen, with his suit on. It's still hard for him to get used to seeing that hunk bent over sucking his dick. It's just amazing. Cole turns his back to her, faces the wall, and sticks his butt out a bit. Joe penetrates it to the depths. Luckily he enjoys a good cock, because between the slit and the asshole there is about half a dick in length.

With an ass this big, Joe forces himself to hit a few good hip thrusts to take her all the way in. The views he has of Cole from behind her make her really hard, the guy is pure muscle and what freaks her out the most are his biceps and pecs. By fucking her from behind, Joe is missing the party going on between Cole's legs, her dick going hard, her dick coming out of her cocoon and bouncing shyly.

Fucking him sitting on his legs, impaled on his cock, bareback, seeing those pectorals bouncing when he whips him from below, those hard nipples, makes him horny. He ends up bringing his hands from her hips to them, rubbing them with his thumbs. They are soft and they are big. Milk teats like the one that's going to burst on that fucking macho face. He jerks off hard. Cole's face is right above his tail, he's opening his mouth, sticking out his tongue. He wants all of her. He goes there.

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