They had been in a relationship for a few months and both Dani Robles and Jonas Jackson had promised not to have sex until they went to church. At least what it was to put it, they had not put it, although to ease tensions they had allowed themselves some small licenses, like splitting the occasional mutual straw. They tried to avoid it as much as possible anyway, because they liked each other so much that the mere sight of a dick and cum oozing from the bud made them too horny to settle for just helping out.
While family, friends and the priest were waiting for the bride and groom, Jonas began the reverse process in his suit and sinned by sticking his cock in the ass of her not yet released husband. First her jacket disappeared, then her tie and her shirt. The more she fucked, the hotter she was in that room that she was already outgrowing.
He would have gladly cut a hole in her boyfriend's pants to put her trunk in, but she avoided those lustful temptations not because they were under the watchful eye of a superior being, but because after fucking, she would have to play the role of celibate boyfriends. As they were, Jonas rode Dani's cock like a good cowboy, totally naked, his strong, muscular, hairy torso blowing in the wind. They didn't know if the lord would forgive their sins, but enjoy, they enjoyed it.
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